Need for Counselling

Why Counselling ?

According to Arti, students are under a lot of pressure, which includes personality conflicts, hormonal issues, social and emotional issues, and unhealthy behavioural patterns that have an impact on how they will behave in the future. It is our responsibility as responsible adults to allay their concerns and problems relating to their emotional, social, and behavioural needs and to create a tranquil, healthy environment that will aid in the development of their competency, emotional intelligence, and skill set.
Such occurrences can be avoided with the help of career counselling. It benefits the students in many ways, including career guidance, discovering their strengths and weaknesses, communication development, decision-making skills, and boosting their self-confidence and self-esteem. Through counselling, they can learn to be adaptable and flexible, which is essential in today's rapidly changing job market.
Therefore, career guidance is essential for Indian students in order to make informed decisions and prevent the unneeded pressure and stress that frequently come along with selecting a career.